Sunday, September 20, 2015

I found the task was easier job market, because I feel so identified product semester, so it was interesting to answer questionnaires about addictions to work.
The activity that was to cost me because some stereotypes outside the meeting place for the same reason it took me longer to resolve this activity

Thursday, September 10, 2015

The most difficult task was to write because it's always hard for me to express myself in the right way, the job I enjoy most is to hear the language, no pressure I feel that I understand what they say.
The skill that has cost me during the semester is talk think nerves played against me, but I hope to improve with time

Saturday, September 5, 2015

The blog turned out something new in my training product that does not know what it was a blog and had never been motivated to write in English, therefore I think it was a good experience, I recommend also that it is a more didactic approach, product most of the topics we cover, were of general interest.
As for my writing skills, I think they have improved enough, but in my case it simple product that my level of writing was abysmal. Now I think that is acceptable. I hope to improve with the passage of time and not lose motivation
In future I would like to include different themes and time passes, such as sports, books, some research among others.
I think it would also be fun to write about personal experiences that marked important moments in life, at this point I do not think that everyone wants to express their problematic situations but who could motivate release the weight to suppress the situations that influenced both the personality in the lifestyle of people

That, just repeat the blogg was one of the most entertaining things course we all hope goes well

Saturday, August 22, 2015

In my free time I like to watch series, so I can hardly pick my favorite series, I think it all depends on gender and classification
I think that motivated me to see it a second time Breaking Bad marked an important moment when I could enjoy this great series of Vince Gilligan.
Bryan Cranston is a great actor, made this series is winner of many awards and proclaimed one of the best of all time
Is a professor of chemistry with economic problems who is diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer. To pay for his treatment and ensure the economic future of his family start cooking and selling methamphetamine, along with Jesse Pinkman, a former student of his. The series, set and produced in Albuquerque (New Mexico), is characterized by putting his characters in situations that seemingly no way out.
I quite like the series for the psychological development of the main character who begins to feel valued and respected when I change the way you cope with your illness, becoming the most wanted man Alburquenque even nationally by the DEA.
I like many kinds of series, another series that I like is Spartacus (gods in the sand) I believe that the values ​​given are very positive, despite the bloody.
House of Cards, Orange Is the New Black, how i meet you mother, Dr. House.

Finally note that I would see game of thrones.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Hello classmate and teacher
Ucursos has a platform that gives us different information areas that make us work for example can see the notes before class, upload material to share with the members of the course and download the teaching materials. This platform visit her at least once a day product have application in the cell. Another thing that stands out is that communities can form., Participated in the fitness community college level in which up tips on training material and types of food. I like this site because it is fairly complete, can be accessed at any time and provides statistics to evaluate the average of the notes.
It also serves as institutional post, in which I can choose who to keep in touch, allows a virtual track of the research groups headed by a guardian or helper

Finally, let me emphasize that this platform has two important things for all students, first the site provides the schedule with all courses and works as a database to store the contents of previous years. I can still download the guides climbed teachers when I was in first year.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

"A country I'd like to visit"
I would visit Italy, since childhood I have interest in traveling to this beautiful country. Not its people or its culture, but its geography and history that has always called me.
There are plenty of attractions, one of them is knowing the Coliseum but from a different perspective. In that place the Romans had fun watching their slaves were killed at the expense of his people to make happy. Beyond enjoy the splendid architecture, I think I'd go further the early days of Rome, Venice, Florence and Verona. Then make one of my dreams is to climb the Alps and camp on the heights to enjoy a great view in which we can observe a variety of animals and glaciers. Therefore you must go prepared for low temperatures. I feel that someday I will realize this dream of knowing Italy and magic of its landscapes. It is also a great opportunity to play sports

I would go only visiting for a couple of months, if not reached to raise the money necessary to work even if I had the chance to live in another country would not be in Europe.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

My favorite movie is ( Cukko) “One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest “this movie I really like product argument representing an analogy against the system, against a society that oppresses , in this case represented by a great Jack Nicholson as McMurphy , the main character in this adaptation of the work of Ken Kesey.
The order and the constraints operating in the hospital reminiscent of the lines of many societies. The individuality of each “patient” becomes joint and represents that you are looking for moments adapt and to feel part of society and that other times alone resists and asks tolerance
The first time I saw this movie was in the summer of this year, I usually like to watch movies that pose a challenge to our society and hegemonic forms of the same.

The last film I saw was (set of honor) starring Samuel l Jackson this film delivers an insight into the inequalities that exist in the neighborhoods of the United States and as the environment can sentence a person to a certain lifestyle

Monday, June 22, 2015

hello friends
This photo was taken by a photographer from the University of Chile dedicated to the sport internationally athletic Muñoz Badilla, good picture shows the start of a competition of six hundred meters by a preparatory ODESUR games which I play to participate and compete in championship the best in the country are indeed most of our university, this picture was taken in the summer of 2014 my best in athletics. I like this picture because it reflects the attitude of wanting to give their best on the track, as they say the gladiators in the arena. go full speed regardless left many career ahead and pain will be strong enough times. whenever q observed this photo I realize how lucky I was to participate in these tournaments, just as I regret for having taken many wrong they took me racing decisions, but the fact of a memorable worth above all things


Sunday, May 24, 2015

For sincere being I like many types of music, some do not share absolutely anything jointly. Good the important thing is that the music is more than an instrument than well-being, helps us our state of mind can change that the moments are much more agreeable even us. The first type of music is the Rap, this one I began it to listen to chance when it was going in sixth basic at the age of twelve, in this then it saw the MTV great for what I began for listening To Eminem, later I was familiarizing myself with big prominent figures as Big pun, notorious big, Ludacris and and groups like Mobb depp or wu-tang clan I like the great Nate Dogg this music because it represents the reality of the suburbs as the Bronx, poor neighborhoods subject to many delinquency, drug addiction, violence and discrimination racial.

For the same thing I think that with the Rap it connects the reality with the social fights that have occupied first place along the history, in addition I connect it with the force that the people of color possess to arise and to play sports for what always is a motivation Have represented some concerts but places hordatoj cramp etc the majority of them big they are died for alone what it can only to re-live through his music listening to her occasionally. Regards friends

Thursday, May 7, 2015

My favorite piece of technology

My favorite piece of technology
My favorite subject is technology is it is my cell phone because it is very necessary to simplify the commitments; also it has several utilities that make me dependent
Therefore I take everywhere with me, I use it several times a day.
Sometimes occupied for work, others to talk to my friends, family and colleagues. To be quite honest I occupy my leisure time listening to music, reading, playing chess and download applications.
Cell buy online in negotiations in sales pages that you could get a very good purchase price, since then I could save many important moments with photos and videos.

Being without cell has happened to me and I think it's not so frightful, is a matter of custom and serves to disconnect and live less aware of personal issues from other people but I feel that I simplifies and makes a big difference in all areas either from personal to labor relations

Monday, April 6, 2015

Hello mates, expectations for this semester are quite important. This semester I am taking seven courses, some with my generation and other backward, hope to catch news especially English which is a fun but difficult for my level course. well I can tell you that most of the classes I am studying are important for the development of our profession
between courses I have major state financial management and administration of physical and technological resources.
I also participated in the course of athletics and chess which I practice daily
within the university participated in tournaments athletic club by the University of Chile, and play in a football team pichicateados fc. I have to finish a group of friends with whom we train a team of street workout.

anyway I hope this academic semester is very good, meet my goals and achieve my goals is to have good grades and excellent sporting year

Thursday, March 26, 2015

My Biography

My name is Bastian was born on 9 April 1992, I am from Santiago city that study public administration at the University of Chile

My family consists of four, my mother Iris and my brothers Nicolas and Valentina  
My interests are running, going to the gym ( workut ) , playing chess and reading .
y usually like to travel and see new places , besides handing out with my friends to distracted in central location in santiago go to pub and parties.
Sunday futbol play with my classmates remembering old times , Is very entertaining sport with friends ,  in case of not playing , I have a team in university with which we play every month , the name is “pichicateados” and played the glass matte.
Saturdays go out with my friends from university.
other interests that I have is to visit my family and share with the people I love.

Work weekends usually cashier and Promoter
after work I like to walk around the Bellavista neighborhood and have a beer with people I like