Thursday, July 2, 2015

My favorite movie is ( Cukko) “One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest “this movie I really like product argument representing an analogy against the system, against a society that oppresses , in this case represented by a great Jack Nicholson as McMurphy , the main character in this adaptation of the work of Ken Kesey.
The order and the constraints operating in the hospital reminiscent of the lines of many societies. The individuality of each “patient” becomes joint and represents that you are looking for moments adapt and to feel part of society and that other times alone resists and asks tolerance
The first time I saw this movie was in the summer of this year, I usually like to watch movies that pose a challenge to our society and hegemonic forms of the same.

The last film I saw was (set of honor) starring Samuel l Jackson this film delivers an insight into the inequalities that exist in the neighborhoods of the United States and as the environment can sentence a person to a certain lifestyle


  1. I haven´t watched that movie. I´ll do it soon

  2. Fantastic MOVIE!!!. Jack Nichols is an good actor :)

  3. Fantastic MOVIE!!!. Jack Nichols is an good actor :)

  4. I've never seen this movie, I will add it to my list! :)
