Sunday, September 20, 2015

I found the task was easier job market, because I feel so identified product semester, so it was interesting to answer questionnaires about addictions to work.
The activity that was to cost me because some stereotypes outside the meeting place for the same reason it took me longer to resolve this activity

Thursday, September 10, 2015

The most difficult task was to write because it's always hard for me to express myself in the right way, the job I enjoy most is to hear the language, no pressure I feel that I understand what they say.
The skill that has cost me during the semester is talk think nerves played against me, but I hope to improve with time

Saturday, September 5, 2015

The blog turned out something new in my training product that does not know what it was a blog and had never been motivated to write in English, therefore I think it was a good experience, I recommend also that it is a more didactic approach, product most of the topics we cover, were of general interest.
As for my writing skills, I think they have improved enough, but in my case it simple product that my level of writing was abysmal. Now I think that is acceptable. I hope to improve with the passage of time and not lose motivation
In future I would like to include different themes and time passes, such as sports, books, some research among others.
I think it would also be fun to write about personal experiences that marked important moments in life, at this point I do not think that everyone wants to express their problematic situations but who could motivate release the weight to suppress the situations that influenced both the personality in the lifestyle of people

That, just repeat the blogg was one of the most entertaining things course we all hope goes well